Artist Statement

I am a Contemporary Artist, working in mixed media and Artificial Intelligence, I like to explore the concept of Divine Feminine Energy. As a Fine Artist I am bridging the gap between physical art, AI and NFT's. This is a community aiming to empower the Divine Feminine energies. Under the pseudonym "ArteMis" I embark on this journey or odyssey into the unknown. 

I have a deep connection to the natural world and the unseen, creating portraits that merge with nature, encompassing the earth in organic shapes, overlays of leaves, branches, vines, and root systems, that represent veins and arteries to express the connection between humans and nature. I tap into the underwater world, its a fantastical world that awaits to be explored belonging to two realms that lie beyond time and space.

Through symbolism and a range of mixed-media and AI approaches and techniques, including surrealism, I have applied a variety of themes which include mythology, esotericism, transformation, and metamorphosis, painting my female figures as human/nature hybrid forms, and surrounding them with highly detailed and ornate symbolic flora and fauna from the earth and beyond. Your limitation is your own imagination... Our imagination is the key to untold worlds...

My working style portrays a fusion of traditional painting techniques with contemporary styles, intertwining realism and abstraction, to depict humanity, metaphor, and narrative. The strength of my work resides in the theme that is currently popular in the world today. I feel the awakening of the Divine Feminine Energy of this world is more crucial now than ever before. I believe, in order to heal not just ourselves, but also the Earth, a balance between the feminine and male energies must be established. My intention is that those who encounter the works will be inspired, not only to engage with the concept of human-nature connectedness, but also to experience their own emotional connection to nature by awakening the Divine Feminine within them.

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